- Lives in Pembroke
- Teaching yoga since 1998
- Practices at Kingsbury Fitness Kingston, Mirbeau Spa Plymouth, YATRE, and Yoga4Life.
- Available for private lessons
Certifications + Specialties:
- 1997 Kripalu YTT 200 hr
- 2013 Kripalu YTT 500 hr
- 2017 Meditation 1 teacher training Chopra-based with Susan Bonnano
- Workshop presentations around Yamas / Niyamas and Bij Mantra
- Available to lead corporate yoga programs (prior experience at jetBlue and Fidelity)
What brought you to yoga? We love a good origin story.
A locked up back in 1995 sent me to a studio in Pembroke, Ruth Tosi was the teacher. Yoga was way to new-agey for my taste back then. I thought it was a physical workout for the first year. Then I started to see the subtle changes in my life. Less frustration, more patience, and it grew from there. Over time this yoga practice has literally shaped my life. From my first program at Kripalu in 1995 to this day it has been the one constant in my daily life.
How would you describe your teaching flow?
My classes begin with a few minutes of quiet lying on the mat to clear space, make a transition into the practice, a few minutes to connect with the breath and oneself...then move into asana...fundamental, fundamentals and more fundamentals! Working on postures with enough time to connect and experience the shifts, energetic, emotional, physical. My classes do not run from one quick posture to the next. Sitting, holding, building strength and flexibility to allow the asana to deepen. Not a fan of hot yoga, I hold my classes in 75-80 deg space. I typically walk around the classroom, when not demonstrating, offering verbal cueing and offer hands-on assists. Many of my "students" have been with me for years and it's a joy to see them deepen their practice.
Music Preferences? What is always on your playlist? Favorite artist?
Currently not using music in my classes. I go through phases where I might play soft music suitable to a yoga class. Some of my people like music, others feel it's a distraction to connecting with the practice. My belief is that the teachers role is to quiet things down and go inward, lessen the distraction and stimuli.I may play Tibetan singing bowls for sivasana and end with a chime.
What was your most memorable yoga experience?
On stage leading a group of 60 teachers in training at Kripalu. Established yogis in a 200 hr training program...a humbling privilege to lead them through their sunrise practice in a setting where many senior teachers have held space.
Any teacher shoutouts? Favorite yoga teacher?
Barbara Benagh in Boston. Snuck out in middle of workdays downtown to catch her classes. Although it's been a while since we've connected she has such an influence on my ever evolving practice and teaching. Her way of weaving words, perceptions and joy opened up the true essence of a yoga practice for me. She also showed the power of hands on assists and I'm grateful to her for my offering hands-on assists in my teaching. My current fav teacher is Kate Krumsiek at Balance Studio in Cohasset. Her voice and unique style of leading a practice resonates deeply with me...it's a weekly commitment for me.

New to coffee... but loves the Americano @ Brewed Awakenings Hingham

love my Infiniti Q50, zoom, zoom!

Favorite season is winter!

semi retired, yoga any time any where, let's go!
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