- Yoga instructor since 1998
- Teaches at Real Life Yoga Studios
- Lives in Quincy
Certifications + Specialties:
- Hatha
- Yin
- Restorative
- Vinyasa
- 12 step recovery yoga
- Chakra Sound Crystal Bowls Meditations
- Yoga with weights
What brought you to yoga? We love a good origin story.
I worked in the construction field, high energy, very stressful and on guard. In the 90's it wasn't popular for a woman, after 15 yrs. of working in the field, I was laid off without an hrs. notice, Good thing, so since I was a kid, I always found my release from the negative emotions, through a regiment of high energy kickboxing, aerobic and weight lifting, after the lay off,I decided to get certified to teach kick boxing, aerobics and weight lifting, I was instructing 24 classes a week, 5 yrs. later finally exhausted, an instructor came out of a class she taught without a sweat bubble, as I was going to teach class after her, I asked what class she just taught, she said yoga, I want to teach yoga I said., she told me there was a certification class beginning that Tues. $3000.00, I signed up , without ever taking a yoga class myself, and opened a studio as soon as I received my certification.have had a studio ever since, Real Life Yoga Studio, since 1998,. still going strong!! have a beautiful following of the most special people/students I have ever known.
How would you describe your teaching flow?
I teach a non-competitive class that connects to the inner spiritual and outer strengths by keeping mindful of the moment.
Music Preferences? What is always on your playlist? Favorite artist?
Krishna Das and Sat Khar.
What was your most memorable yoga experience?
Yoga retreats in Costa Rica and Tulum Mexico
Any teacher shoutouts? Favorite yoga teacher?
Shiva Rea, Sean Corn, Baron Baptiste, Krishna Das, they live their yoga as I do.
Sailing the Caribbean with hubby
listening to my students laughing
yoga any where outside, being with nature
witnessing yoga, from the calm, peaceful expressions of students at the end of class
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