Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is energy healing for our body, mind and spirit. Reiki is a simple noninvasive light touch or no touch Japanese technique. Reiki energy is transferred through the Reiki practitioner to the recipient. It supports the bodies natural ability to return to a balanced and healthy state of being. In Japanese the word Reiki means universal life force energy. Life force energy is the energy that flows through all living things. When our life force energy becomes unbalanced, stuck or sluggish we become sick, anxious or stressed.
There are many different kinds of Reiki energy.
- Holy Fire ll Reiki is an upgrade to the Usui system of Reiki. Usui Reiki began with a man named Mikao Usui in 1922.
- In 2014 William Rand, founder of the International Center For Reiki Training, became aware of a new kind of energy and introduced the Holy Fire Reiki upgrade.
- In 2015 Holy Fire was upgraded again to Holy Fire ll. Holy Fire powerfully yet gently purifies, heals, empowers and guides each receiver to their optimal state of health.
Holy Fire comes from a higher consciousness which brings more refined healing experiences. It works continually to help each person be their best version by developing their best personality traits. In other words, Holy Fire guides us to our highest and best selves. The best way to understand Reiki is to experience it with a Reiki practitioner.
Reiki fills us with valuable life force energy. Just like water is essential to a flower’s vibrancy life force energy is essential to our quality of life. The daily responsibilities of everyday life and traumas of any kind can clog our energy system. Reiki recharges your energy system. It personally works with you to alleviate or eliminate pain, reduce stress and increase relaxation. It helps you heal physically, spiritually and emotionally while completely filling you with a sense of love and security.
Although Reiki does not take the place of appropriate medical care it does works in conjunction with it. Reiki is an intelligent energy source and it knows what you need and where you need it and what you need varies with each session. Reiki is a wonderful and effective way to give your whole self an energy boost.
Experiences in a Reiki session are unique to each individual and each session varies each time. Generally, each recipient typically experiences a deep sense of relaxation.
- New clients fill out a contact and information form.
- We take a few minutes to talk about your goals and desired outcome with the session.
- You lie fully clothed on a Reiki table with the option of a blanket and eye mask. Soft Reiki music plays, candles are lit and incense burns. The Reiki directs me to the space above your physical body and around your head, abdomen, legs and feet.
- When the session is complete (after 45-55 minutes) there is time for you to bring your awareness back and chat about your experience for a few minutes.
Phyllis Simonetta is a Reiki practitioner and the owner of Open Wings Healing. She has been involved in education for the past 20+ years. Her past roles include infant/preschool teacher in childcare, elementary public school teacher and Montessori lower elementary teacher. Now Phyllis is a Reiki Master Teacher and passionate about what Reiki as a healing energy has to offer us.